The Book Shop

Lowry's City: A Painter and His Locale 1999 book by Judith Sandling

Author: Sandling, Judith

First Edition, paperback Pages 104

Released 01-01-1999

Describes as "Few artists are as intimately involved with place as L. S. Lowry, possibly the most popular British artist of the last century. His industrial landscapes and townscapes are almost exclusively centred on the region around the cities of Salford and Manchester. Authors, Judith Sandling and Mike Leber, have pooled their expertise to create a record of the ways in which numerous paintings by the artist relate directly to specific locations within the industrial North-West. Having undertaken hours of patient investigation in archives and galleries, Judith Sandling has compiled a revealing and erudite sequence of essays linking a specific location to each work, together with related drawings and photographs dating from Lowry's time. Mike Leber has provided a general introduction to the book, describing Lowry's general relationship with areas of the city - not only as an artist, but as working rent-collector, trudging the streets for almost half a century. Photographer Len Grant has visited each location and photographed its current appearance, revealing both the sites that remain redolent of Lowry's painting, and those that have changed beyond recognition."

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