The Book Shop
Signed with drawing 'In The Beginning' said Great-Aunt Jane Book by Helen Bradley
'In The Beginning' said Great-Aunt Jane Written by Author and Artist Helen Bradley.
First Edition 1975. Hardback with dustcover first published 1975, 32 pages.
First edition Release Date: 1975
This copy is signed by Helen Bradley with an insciption and a small drawing.
"With all Good Wishes Helen Layfield Bradley Dec 11th 1976"
"Bille Bey Caught a Fly !! 1900"
A small simple drawing of a point a line and a fly attached is drawn above the little poem"
This may have been gifted from Helen Bradley or it has been signed perhaps during a book signing event.
Inset in the dust cover says:
For Helen Bradley as a small child Tuesday afternoons up Springfield were very special, because Great-Aunt Jane could tell the most beautiful stories about God. 'In the beginning,' she would always start off, and on she would go with wonderful tales of how God had lit the stars with his matches to get rid if soe of the blue-velvet void, how he polished the Sun with Brasso, and of the terrible rain that came when he went to Manchester and left the tap on."
"The gay, graceful Edwardian magic of the Miss Carter booksis here deftly coloured with Helen Bradley's childhood visions of the Almighty at his daily work - that exciting time when fish and chips for tea as a special treat on Judgement Day, when Adam and Eve could be found at Blackpool, and God lived up in a shed on the moors."
A British niave painter of her childhood Edwardian scenes Helen Bradley painting started in her 60's in order to show her grandchildren the happy childhood she remembered.
This is the third of a series of books written to help to raise the profile of her art to all ages.